Saturday, January 21, 2012

Well this is unexpected...

So blogging is pretty much the last thing I thought I would ever do. If you know me, you know I am not really into talking about myself or being the center of attention but here I am....PAY ATTENTION TO ME :)

I was spending this lovely morning perusing fb (that's right, expect a lot of abbrevs on this blog) and I realized that my profile was dominated by pictures of things I had baked. Baking is something that I do for fun (it's definitely not a career although I wish it was) and I have a great time every weekend (and sometimes during the week) trying out new recipes. I've recently entered the world of vegan baking which is probably what my first post will be about.

I think my main intention with this blog is to share my baking successes (and failures) and get better at taking pictures of what I made! If you are friends with me on facebook, you know how bad I am at this.

I grew up in a house of great bakers. My mom makes the best brownies I have ever tasted and my grandma min basically turned our house into an Italian cookie-making factory during Christmas time! Oh and did I mention that my pops makes the best tiramisu I've ever had and recently "whipped up" two homemade pies for Christmas dinner! So baking runs in the family. I hope you enjoy my stories and I hope they make you laugh a little bit!

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