Saturday, July 7, 2012

Independence Day!

Better late than never....seems to be the mantra of my life lately! I have completely neglected this blog because I have been traveling and working like crazy! But I have still been baking when I can.  For awhile, I have wanted to try out making pizza crust and I have a mild obsession with dessert pizza because I completely fell in love with it when I was younger (of course this was the whipped cream very dairy version) so our 4th of July get together seemed like the perfect opportunity!

I used this recipe from one of my favorite blogs.  Instead of the dairy topping, this blogger came up with a yummy avocado whip, that looks like guacamole but tastes like whipped cream (those eating just had to get past the initial sensory conflict...eyes vs. taste buds).  I thought it was great although the leftover pieces were not as good so it may be an eat the day of treat! My only issue was chopping up all the fruit, since I realized I am allergic to Kiwi and my hands were itching like crazy :-)

Can't wait to try out some other pizza crust recipes....sourdough pizza crust perhaps!?!